UditVani, New Delhi: Home Minister Amit Shah launched the BHARATPOL portal in New Delhi. The portal will streamline requests through INTERPOL, including the issuance of Red Notices and other notices.
Home Minister Amit Shah today launched the BHARATPOL portal in New Delhi.
Developed by the Central Bureau of Investigation, the BHARATPOL portal will significantly facilitate Indian law enforcement agencies by enabling real-time information sharing for faster access to international police assistance.
The development of the platform was driven by the growing footprint of transnational crimes, including cybercrime.
The portal will streamline the processing of all requests for international assistance through INTERPOL, including the issuance of Red Notices and other color-coded INTERPOL notices.
Home Minister Amit Shah also presented Police Medals to 35 CBI officers/officials, who were awarded the President’s Police Medals for Distinguished Service and the Union Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Investigation.
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