CII-Young Indians (Yi) has embarked on a noble endeavor to combat the critical issue of child sexual abuse in India. Yi has announced a thrilling collaboration with the most renowned IPL team, Chennai Super Kings (CSK), for its upcoming Play for Cause Game, Yi Masoom Cup 2023. This partnership will feature an exhibition league match between the Yi National Team and CSK to raise awareness about child abuse – both physical and digital – and educate the public about Yi’s Masoom vertical and its commitment to safeguarding children from the detrimental effects of sexual and other forms of abuse. The match will be played in Chennai in 20th December, 2023 at Chepauk Stadium.Yi Jamshedpur member Harshil Dokania will be part of the Young Indians team that will play against CSK for the Yi Masoom Cup. Harshil has been chosen amongst Yi members across 65 chapters who played league matches between July and November 2023. The best players across all Yi chapters have been selected to play in the Yi team against CSK.This significant partnership between Yi and Chennai Super Kings arises in response to the alarming rise in physical and digital child abuse cases. CSK, by aligning itself with Yi’s Masoom Vertical and its cause, will create an extensive platform to eradicate the social stigma associated with child sexual abuse among the team’s fans in India and abroad. The collaboration anticipates massive viewership, attracting a diverse audience from all walks of life and garnering support for this vital cause for children.The Yi Masoom Cup, inaugurated by the star cricketer Bhuvneshwar Kumar on 13th July 2023, is named after Young Indians’ Project Masoom. It aims to encourage more than 55 Yi chapter cricket teams across India to play and amplify the vertical across all cultures, languages, and social biases to secure children’s futures.”I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to YI Masoom for taking this initiative and providing this opportunity. I am honored to represent the YI Jamshedpur Chapter. Sexual, physical and emotional abuse are some of the most challenging social problems of our time and the combined reach of CSK and YI will be a significant step towards protecting our youth and building our nation. Competing against other chapters from the eastern region was a great bonding and networking experience and I am humbled by the opportunity to play in an international stadium against some of my childhood sporting heroes.”
– Harshil Dhokania
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