UditVani, Jamshedpur: Tata Steel UISL has implemented a comprehensive strategy to
prevent and control the transmission of dengue and other vector-borne diseases in Jamshedpur, in light of the monsoon season.
TSUISL is carrying out
House-to-House Surveillance in order to identify and destroy
the larval stage of mosquitoes in residential areas. Trained teams are conducting thorough inspections
and taking necessary actions to eliminate the potential breeding sites. From Apr to June this year a total
of 180, 062 houses have been covered under the surveillance and out of these mosquitoes larvae were
found in 4193 houses.
House index of more than 5 is considered to be high risk. Jamshedur has reported the House
Index of 2.32%. These breeding sites were eliminated and followed by the cold fogging activity in the area.
TSUISL is conducting extensive searches for breeding sites
of culex mosquitoes in outdoor stagnant water, drains, and ditches and riverbeds. As per report (Apr-June
23) a total of 8992 potential outdoor breeding sites have been destroyed and spray techniques have been
used to eliminate these breeding sites to curb the growth of mosquito populations.
Apart of these surveillance activities Tata Steel UISL is extending its surveillance activities to cover all
closed quarters in the company area. This comprehensive effort aims to identify and address potential
breeding sites within the closed and silent breeding sites in the population.
Fogging Activities: In addition to the larval surveillance, Cold fogging is being carried out in the areas
where the breeding of mosquito’s larvae have been detected. Besides, there is a set plan for the
scheduled fogging in the city which is an effective way to target the adult mosquito population. The
activity will be carried out regular in designated areas to further minimise the risk of dengue transmission
Collaboration with Local Hospitals for Disease Surveillance: Tata Steel UISL has established a
reporting mechanism for diseases surveillance with TMH & MGM Hospitals to monitor and quickly
respond to reported cases of dengue by taking the regular reports of suspected and confirm cases of
dengue and other VBDs. This collaboration enables timely control activities to be initiated, minimizing
the potential spread of the disease.
Awareness Campaigns: Tata Steel UISL recognizes the importance of raising public awareness to
prevent dengue. Therefore, the company is organising the awareness campaigns in schools and
colleges to educate students, teachers, and the wider community about dengue prevention measures
and the importance of maintaining a mosquito free environment.
Tata Steel UISL is well-prepared and determined to combat dengue through its multi-pronged approach.
By intensifying our preventive measures and promoting awareness, aim is to curb the incidence of
dengue and protect the residents of Jamshedpur from vector-borne diseases.
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