Udit Vani, Jamshedpur: A heartfelt moment unfolded as young artists Ankita and Avinash Mukhi presented their artwork to Jamshedpur FC’s star striker Jordan Murray. The duo, avid fans of the Australian forward, hand-delivered their stunning creation to the player. While Avinash Mukhi gifted him his painting before the Mohun Bagan SG match, Ankita gave her pencil drawing of Murray at Hyderabad.
The artworks captured Murray in action, showcasing his famous celebration postures. Receiving the artworks, Murray expressed his gratitude and admiration for the talented artists.
“I’m truly honoured to receive this artwork from Ankita and Avinash,” said Jordan Murray. “Their talent and passion for the game are incredible. It’s moments like these that remind me how football connects us all. This artwork will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for this amazing gesture.”
For Ankita and Avinash, meeting their footballing idol and presenting their art was a dream come true.
“It feels surreal to meet Jordan Murray and hand over this artwork in person,” said Ankita. “He is such an inspiring player, and we poured our hearts into creating this piece for him. Thank you to Jamshedpur FC for making this possible.”
Avinash added, “Finally, my art has reached its destiny. Jordan is an amazing person, both on and off the field. This is a moment I will cherish forever. A big thank you to Jamshedpur FC and the Indian Super League for turning this dream into reality.”
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