UditVani, Jamshedpur: A shocking and violent incident occurred on Tuesday afternoon in Kalyan Nagar, under the jurisdiction of Sitaramdera police station, when 27-year-old Shailendra Sahu was stabbed multiple times by a group of youths.
The Attack and Critical Injuries
Following the brutal attack, Shailendra was rushed to MGM Medical College and Hospital, where doctors confirmed that his condition was critical. His brother, Upendra Sahu, recounted the sequence of events leading up to the attack, revealing that the altercation began at their grocery shop.
The Dispute that Led to the Violence
Upendra explained that Rajesh Sahu, a local resident, arrived at their shop in an intoxicated state and demanded goods on credit. When Upendra questioned Rajesh about his previous dues, an argument broke out. Enraged, Rajesh left the shop but later returned with 7-8 other youths.
A Brutal Assault in Broad Daylight
The group of youths began creating a disturbance at the shop. Upon hearing the commotion, Shailendra stepped in to intervene. Unfortunately, the youths attacked him with knives, inflicting serious injuries. Upendra claimed that each of the attackers was armed with a knife, and they assaulted Shailendra mercilessly.
Neighbours Intervene, Attackers Flee
When the neighbors heard the commotion, they rushed to the scene, causing the attackers to flee the area. The family quickly took Shailendra to Sitaramdera police station, and he was then transported to the hospital for medical attention.
Police Investigation Underway
The victim’s family has filed a formal complaint with the police, leading to the registration of a case. Authorities have launched an investigation and are actively working to apprehend the attackers.
The police have urged local residents to come forward with any information related to the incident to assist in the swift arrest of the suspects.
Call to Action: Community Help Needed
The police have emphasized the importance of community cooperation in solving this crime. They are hopeful that with the help of local residents, the culprits will soon be brought to justice.
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